Join Our Community in Worship
Liturgy & Worship
We believe in Orthodox Christianity, as taught by the Roman Catholic Church. The Eucharistic celebration is the source and summit of our faith, which we seek to live and serve with the whole of our lives in vibrant and creative ways; in other words, we strive for a “dynamic Orthodoxy.” Excellence in our worship honors God.

Sunday Mass
Our Sunday worship is the most important activity the Church does. It is “the source and summit from which our entire Christian life is flows and is directed back to.” While the community can take on many things, the Sunday celebration is the number one; the foundation of all we do.
Sundays at 9:00 AM at Hainerberg Chapel
Daily Mass
Tuesdays, Wednesdays (Clay Kaserne Chapel) and Thursdays (Hainerberg Chapel): 11:30 AM.
No Daily Mass on Training Holidays. Please view schedule for details.

Sacrament of Penance & Reconciliation
The sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) is generally available 1/2 hour prior to mass and by appointment. We also offer seasonal communal penance opportunities. If you have not been to confession in a while we encourage you to make an appointment with one of our priests.